Thursday 24 January 2013

Project: Wardrobe Rediscovery / Anti-Hoarding / Waste Less Money (365 days free of clothes shopping)!

Challenge: Go ONE WHOLE YEAR without buying any new clothes

Confession One: My name is Chloe, and I'm a shopaholic

Confession two:  I am a hoarder

Confession three: I waste a lot of money on clothes I never wear

Confession four: Despite having 3 wardrobes worth of clothes, I wear the same old few things every few days.

And so, I've decided to do something about it. This year (2013) I am going to go a whole year without buying any new clothes (I was thinking about calling this "Less Preen in 2013", until I realised this sounded a bit sh*t).

The point in this is to:
  • Waste less money on things I don't need and will never wear
  • Make the most of what I do have
  • Learn what I do and don't like - finally giving me a chance to throw out things I'll never wear (and giving me a chance to realise that I'll never wear them, instead of pretending that one day I will!
  • Learn to up-cycle/recycle/repurpose things I do have
  • Develop my sense of style and find out what clothes do and don't work for me
  • Eventually end up with a much smaller collection of clothes that I do really like, and build upon these next year when I finally can shop again!!

So far it's January 24th and I have not bought any new clothes... and it's already feeling pretty difficult!

This blog will chart my journey on this challenge. I may also blog style-inspiration pics, and maybe a few pics of myself re-working old outfits. I might also try blogging about crafty bits and bobs (e.g. customising and re-purposing old clothes).

On other notes, I might write a bit about the other areas of my life (I'm a final year PhD student - this blog might be a welcome distraction or too much of a distraction - we'll wait and see!)